I'm the Little Red Hen, but Better!
I did make a batch of coin purses from nearly start to finish this week, and wallets are not far behind. Here they are, displayed like the Easter candy they resemble. Yum!
This Week Was Brought to you by...
Their visit has reminded me of the benefits of a more traditional multi-generational household. It is incredible the things I can get done in a day when someone can just hold the baby for even a few minutes!
Seriously, my husband and I chose not to have children until we would really be able to raise them ourselves. It was very important to us that one of us be able to be with our child all the time, not relying on daycare or a nanny for many reasons, not the least of which financial. We both were so excited at the prospect of parenthood it seemed ridiculous not to enjoy every minute of it.
I have not regretted that decision for even a second, but I am occasionally in a quandary as to how I can run a household, care for a child, and run a business all at the same time.
It probably helps that my parents fully support all of my (and my husband's of course) parenting decisions- I know not everyone is so lucky.
Don't get me wrong, the community where we live has turned out to be a fantastic place to start a family. Everyone here loves babies and pregnant women and fathers and families, and we have found so much support, encouragement, kindness, and generosity that I am overflowing with gratitude. But. When my house is a complete disaster and I can't find my pants and the baby is only happy when I am both looking at him AND touching him and NOT doing ANYTHING else and I HAVE to get the diapers in the washer because there are NONE LEFT, it's a little less embarrassing to call on someone you've known your whole life.
Alas, I do not think my parents have an interest in moving to the UP and we are not in a relocate-y time either. So, I will be driving the 2 hours south to see my In-Laws A LOT this summer and attempting to craft some kind of family of my own up here. I have discovered an absolutely wonderful community of other new-ish families here and have benefited immensely from knowing these incredible women and children (and I don't know many of their husbands, but I assume they are also great) and I look forward to strengthening my own ties within this community.th