Last fall, our local art center had a goods and services auction and a brief biography written by Dan was one of the services offered. My husband and I decided we HAD to have it and even though the man we were bidding against had led a long and absolutely fascinating life we outbid him and won!
I think it's going to be great and I'll share the best parts when it's done.
So, Dan was at my house yesterday, interviewing me, or listening to me yammer, and he brought me a new tiny zine he had made. I am in love with it. It's called "Beet Romance" and it's a strange, short, sort of love story, and yes, it features beets.
Beet Romance
I May Have Created the Most Beautiful Pillow in the World
You may be wondering if those cute and slightly sassy circle clusters were printed by me, the girl who WILL NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT PRINTING, and you would be right! Want to know how I did it? I will show you, step by step, with so many pictures here in my discharge with bleach pen tutorial! You can also find it on my create page.
This pillow will be part of a summer exhibit at the Reflection Gallery at Finlandia University. It's a group show for past recipients of Kuhlman Foundation grants given to fiber students. Yay!
We Got My Favorite Part of the Living Room Back!
Check back Friday, when I'll be writing from beautiful Decatur, IL!