Mmmmm Pizza!
1. I didn't spend all day Sunday cooking
2. There are people who will not only cook with me, but even FOR me this week!
3. I get to eat things that can't be prepared several days in advance like... PIZZA!
Fred and I made pizzas tonight. We made one nightshade-free one for me with pesto, artichoke hearts, mushrooms, and olives. We made one nightshade-laden one for those who need not abstain with tomato sauce, red bell pepper, red onion, and mushrooms. Our local Keweenaw coop has crusts and grated pizza cheese in bulk, making prep work a snap! I whipped up a batch of pesto (I'd post the recipe, but I make it different every time, just using whatever I have around) and we were pretty much ready to go.
Spinning Straw Into Gold (not really)
Friday's post will bring pictures of my studio reorganization and some reflections on more traditional family life.