Five has discovered that his arm strength to body mass ratio has changed rather drastically in his favor and he can hang from things! He is soo delighted by this it's impossible to watch without feeling the same. Our apartment playground is built for older kids mostly, but this little piece here is just perfect for Five.
The days are getting decidedly chillier. Somehow, this makes me more likely to want to spend the day at the park. I'm much more comfortable waiting at the bottom of the slide with a nice sweater and a fresh breeze than sweating all over the playground equipment. Five has discovered that his arm strength to body mass ratio has changed rather drastically in his favor and he can hang from things! He is soo delighted by this it's impossible to watch without feeling the same. Our apartment playground is built for older kids mostly, but this little piece here is just perfect for Five. I've been slowly whittling away at my birthday/Christmas list, which unfortunately, I can't share for quite a while. But! I am determined to successfully take up embroidery this Fall/Winter (I've said that for the last few years). I just finished a sampler of sorts. It's only 5 or so different stitches, but used in combinations to produce different effects. I decided if I was going to do a sampler, it should be in a useful form at least- what better than a 5? I had so much fun with this, there will definitely be more embroidery in my near future... Any winter projects on your to-do list?
You know how once in a while, ever so seldomly, you have a day that is so perfect in every way, it's like from a storybook? We had one of those this weekend. It was sooo great. I seriously felt like I was in some kind of movie, or instructional book on what childhood is supposed to be like. Okay, enough with the reflections. We took 5 to an apple orchard for the first time on Saturday. I know, right? So picture-book-y! The weather was warmish, but with a wind that had just enough bite to let you know that Fall is coming. The strange weather we've had this year meant that the crop was really small, but luckily for us, we were there on the perfect weekend when everything was good and ready and not gone yet. As a pretty serious apple-lover, 5 really got into picking apples. The hard part was getting him to not take a bite out of every single one he picked. Dad taught him how to look for bad spots and not to pick the rotten ones up off the ground. Important stuff. There were wagons. There was uneven terrain. For a boy who loves "bumps", this was his idea of heaven. We packed a little picnic lunch and 5 regaled us with tales of apple-picking heroics while we ate. This was such a special orchard- not only were there many varieties of apples to choose from, there were also sheep! 5 did not want to put his hand ANYWHERE NEAR that sheep's mouth, but he encouraged Dad to feed the sheep a grape. This is something we are still talking about. Yesterday, upon waking in the morning, 5 says to me "sheep. grape, dad. bite. chomp!" and so on... There were also grapes to be picked! We weren't going to get any, but 5 wandered over after lunch and sampled one and freaked out at how good they were. So naturally, we picked some grapes.
I feel like I'm ready for Fall now. School's in, apples harvested, bring on the cardigans. |
My name is Ansley Knoch. I am the creator of Rispok, a line of accessories for big and little people made from repurposed materials. I live in Madison, Wisconsin with my husband, Fred, and our son, also Fred, better known as 5. Archives
June 2013