As a former Wisconsinite and life-long union supporter, it was an incredibly emotional few hours for me. The dedication of those who have been there for going on two weeks is breathtaking. These are both exciting and very frightening times.
I am so proud to be from a state where so many people will not stand idly by while our democratic process is sold to the highest bidder. I send you all my love, support, and strength.
This spring he brought Wes Peden with him. Wes is also from the states and, like Jay, spends most of his time performing in Europe. I was lucky enough to have met Wes a few years ago when my husband and I were in Sweden so I knew what a treat we were in for.
Jay and Wes are fantastic jugglers and performers on their own, but together they were certainly more than the sum of their parts. It was a wonderful and rare experience (especially in the States) to see two men over six feet tall juggle with such an awareness of their physical presence. It was such a beautiful show without being feminine at all- there was a group of beer-drinking macho dudes sitting behind me exclaiming that this was the best damn show they'd ever seen.
I linked the pictures below to their personal websites, but you can see if they're playing in your town here.
I have on occasion made costumes for Jay and his cohorts, but with a brand-new baby I had been out of commission for a while. I was delighted to see what they had worn for this tour. They both had on shirts by Humör, a new Danish brand inspired by urban life and strangeness.

I love the unusual construction and the use of different angles for the plaid.
I have quite a stash of deconstructed button-down shirts in my studio and I have been busy plotting what to do with them since I saw this shirt.
Below is a picture of more Humör wear. Anyone who has seen my own fashion will know that this is like a basket full of unicorns for me. Except for the doofy mustache, that guy is so my boyfriend. I think I've made my point.
I'm off to finish my cooking for the week- I'll have some wonderful recipes to share tomorrow. Enjoy!