Things have been getting awfully festive at our house lately! We put up our tree last weekend (after way more drama than I anticipated to get some white wire tree lights). Fred remembered just after we were done decorating that the box of presents his mother sent were not for under the tree, but on the tree. We opened them up, and amongst our annual ornaments, a gorgeous set of red crocheted snowflakes!!!! (you can see part of one in my new header). So. Excited. There was also snowguy building! We had our first snow a week or two ago and the boys immediately got out an built a "snow guy". As you can see, 5 is pretty enamored... Until he finally melted away a few days ago, every exit and entrance included a stop to put an arm around the snow guy. What a good friend my little dude is. Happy Holidays to you and yours!
As much as we enjoyed playing in the 1/4" of snow in Madison... it's nice to be home.
Every month or so, a giant, Dr.Seuss-looking tractor contraption has to come by and remove most of our snowbanks so our street is more than 6 feet wide. We got to watch yesterday! 5 makes excellent machinery noises. For some additional perspective: the fence behind the snowbank is for a tennis court, like 14 feet high. We've had a pretty light snow year... It snowed all morning yesterday in Madison. We knew it wouldn't last so we bundled up and headed out! 5 was very excited to be given free reign at the park, but I think he was confused by the very small amount of snow... There's my little gnome, looking for a hobbit-hole. He never did find one But the swings were pretty fun The walk home was a bit long...
Many of 5's legging-style pants are either getting a bit short or tend to ride up his beefy, I mean muscular, calves... Enter Mama's socks with holes in the heel, or toe, or possibly both. I know there are lots of options out there for baby legwarmer type things, but I love combining free new things with putting fewer things in the garbage (yay!) I'd had these marled cotton camp socks for probably close to 20 years (I know, how many socks can you say that about?) and really didn't want to throw them away, and I kept accidentally wearing them because Fred doesn't understand my terribly complex tiered laundry sorting. So here's how I turned these mama socks into baby legwarmers- get ready, it's pretty complicated- I cut the foot off. I might serge the cut end later. Might. On a side note- 5's sense of humor has been developing so rapidly, it now encompasses a "psych-out". Yep, for example, we might ask him for a kiss and he'll walk up real close pretending like he's coming in for a kiss, and at the last minute he'll grin and shake his head no and run away. He's a real card, that one.
First off, I really appreciated all the lovely comments I received and conversations that have started around my experiment with slightly more philosophical postings! I thought perhaps Friday would be a good time to round up the remnants of daily goodness going on around here this week. Looks like a self portrait, eh? Yeah, it's not. 5 is obsessed with the camera, he loves to see the pictures of himself and other babies and always wants to lick the lens. Not sure if we have a budding photographer or a really strange male model on our hands... Super simple Hide-and-Seek is the. best. game. ever. We can play with just a ski pole hiding one of our faces. Laughs! Joy! Good times. I finally got this sweet babe proper snow boots that I am capable of putting on his chubby square feet so it's into the snow with us! This was his first time actually playing in the snow. He was into it, let me tell you. I brought him in once his mittens were soaked and he was so mad he kind of ran away from me. He's developed a hilarious Sidestep of Anger that he uses to show me when he is so peeved and it is impossible to keep a straight face...but I try. Fred got new slippers for Christmas. He wore slippers all the time before. I also wear slippers all the time (it's COLD). But these new slippers- they are fascinating. Every day, at some point, 5 pulls them of Dada's feet and takes them all over the house- on his hands, on his feet, pointing with them, handing them to us. It is the daily slipper show. It's nice to have a hobby I guess. Have any daily remnants of goodness to share?
My name is Ansley Knoch. I am the creator of Rispok, a line of accessories for big and little people made from repurposed materials. I live in Madison, Wisconsin with my husband, Fred, and our son, also Fred, better known as 5. Archives
June 2013