1 Project Finished! (kind of)
2 Out of 3!
Hard at Work on the Third
I found what I thought was going to be some pretty sweet spray on fabric dye in Decatur, but when I tried it at home, it was a disaster! Way to thin to work with any kind of design, it just runs all over the place.
So, I pulled out my textile ink that I hadn't used in a few years and got back to work- no shortcuts for me, apparently! I really like this blue though, I think it's fantastic on the khaki.
Emergency Baby Legwarmers!
The marshmallow man is having trouble wearing pants because they pull his diaper down to instant-leak level. I like to dress him in shirts and pants because he can wear the same shirt almost all day long. How can this work, you ask? Hmmm....
I pulled out a pair of my socks with holes in the toe (now I'm GLAD I didn't throw them away, mom!) and cut off the feet. Voila! Instant baby legwarmers.
He looks smashing, if I do say so myself.