We've had quite the rainy stormy Memorial Day, with only brief glimpses of sunshine. Fred had the day off so we all played inside today. Five discovered he could scoot himself all the way under the couch, a delightful game until he realized he was stuck under the couch... North Woods Weekend We spent Saturday and Sunday with Fred's parents in Wisconsin's beautiful North woods. 5 found a new play spot in the very center of all the action and we got to celebrate our honorary Finnish-ness in the sauna. We all thought it would be a great idea to go for a walk on one of the local trails. I had forgotten, however, that mosquitoes are the state bird. That's me, 100 yards ahead of everyone else, being chased by a hungry swarm of blood-sucking villains (and not even the studly Swedish variety). I don't think I'd run so far in years! Hand-Me-Down Heaven My Sister-In-Law, who has three sons, cleaned out her attic recently and bestowed upon us a most amazing collection of baby and toddler clothes! I sat down this dreary morning, ginger tea doctored with coconut milk and buckwheat honey in hand, and had consecutive mommy-hormone-surges imagining my little baby growing into these big-boy-clothes. Running around in shorts. Wearing rain boots. Dressing up! Oh the places we'll go, I love this Mama adventure. Join me Wednesday for some cool new projects!
1 Comment
5/31/2011 08:57:19 am
Oh my! Five is getting soooo big, but not big enough to fit in those big boy clothes yet. Can't wait to see you all.
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My name is Ansley Knoch. I am the creator of Rispok, a line of accessories for big and little people made from repurposed materials. I live in Madison, Wisconsin with my husband, Fred, and our son, also Fred, better known as 5. Archives
June 2013