This is what happened instead.
Little V sleeps in my arms at night, which works out wonderfully for us 99% of the time. He can eat whenever he's hungry and doesn't have to wake up for it and neither do I. We almost always wake up at the same time. Today was different. I woke up a little after 8, ready to get cracking on my list and V was still sound asleep. I stayed there with him, enjoying watching a sleeping baby (who wouldn't?) until about 9 when I really REALLY had to get up.
I gently moved his head off my arm and watched for a moment as he usually wakes up as soon as I move. He started snoring. I worked on some quiet deconstruction projects on the landing outside the bedroom, checking on him frequently. He wakes up happy and I want to keep him that way, so I try to be close when he wakes up.
Finally, just before 10, his eyes open and he starts telling stories and singing songs. Yay! We can start the day!
So, we are downstairs, I'm eating breakfast, he's eating breakfast, I'm checking my email, I look down, and he's asleep again. I had not planned for this. I was not ready to occupy myself through a nap, especially what turned out to be a 2 hour nap!
By the time he woke up again, I had realized that this was an excellent reminder for me to SLOW DOWN. Productivity is all well and good, but it can't compare to the smile I get when my little boy is well-fed, well-rested, and well-snuggled.
Check back Friday for project madness!