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Silly Mama Talk
This weekend, I was freaking out about my amazing baby, the crazy mother-child bond, and the most intimate relationship in my entire life. We spend at least 20 hours of each day in physical contact with each other, I'm pretty sure I haven't done that with anyone else since I was a baby.
Since his arrival, we have done everything together. In the beginning, that mostly meant I didn't do very much. When he slept, I slept. When he ate, I ate, etc. He is nearly five months old now, and we are doing so much more. It is the coolest things in the world to get to be reintroduced to your own life through the eyes of your very own child.
On Sunday, we crocheted together (he thinks double crochet is hilarious), we did 100 loads of laundry together (okay, more like 4), we made delicious almond butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookies together, the only thing we don't do together is shower (and that's mostly because my showers are way too hot for baby skin).
I feel so incredibly lucky to be able to spend every minute with him, I know it's a luxury many many parents don't have.
Do you have a parenting treasure to share? I would love to hear about it. Leave it in a comment!